
Serum creatinine

  • Baseline
  • Two – three times weekly

Aminoglycoside serum concentrations

  • DO NOT ORDER serum peak concentrations
  • Interval or trough level recommended in patients:

i. receiving > 3-5 days of aminoglycoside therapy
ii. with renal dysfunction and/or significant changes in renal function
iii. with a large volume of distribution (e.g. third spacing, ascites)
iv. > 65 years of age
v. concurrent nephrotoxic drugs (e.g. amphotericin B, cyclosporine)

  • If levels are indicated, order an 8 hour interval level after first dose (if using Hartford nomogram), or a trough level at the end of the dosing interval. Repeat level at least once weekly. (May need more frequently if patient has renal dysfunction, i.e. requires q36h or q48h dosing; if renal function changing; or patient on concurrent nephrotoxic drugs.)

Aminoglycoside Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Interpretation

Antibiotic Specimen Order on Requisition Sampling Times Interpretation
Gentamicin and Tobramycin and Amikacin 8 hour interval




Interval - 8h after dose start Amikacin - select "random" 7-9 hours after START of infusion Interpret in conjunction with Hartford Nomogram
Gentamicin and Tobramycin and Amikacin 6-14 hour interval




Other 6-6.9 or 9.1-14 hours after START of infusion Interpret in conjunction with Hartford Nomogram
Gentamicin and Tobramycin and Amikacin trough level Trough At the end of the dosing interval, i.e. 0-60 minutes before the next dose AG trough level > 0.5-1mg/L suggests accumulation; lengthen dosing interval, or consider alternative antibiotic



May be irreversible.

  • Patients should be advised to watch for and report signs & symptoms of cochlear (e.g. tinnitus, sense of fullness in ears, loss of hearing) and/or vestibular (e.g. dysequilibrium, oscillopsia, cognitive dysfunction, visual sensitivity, nausea/vomiting, vertigo, headache, nystagmus) toxicity. AG should be discontinued immediately if any signs/symptoms of toxicity develop.
  • Audiometry and vestibular testing recommended for patients receiving ≥ 7 days of aminoglycoside therapy, or at any time if ototoxicity suspected. Contact Audiology.