Gordonia spp

Gram Stain

  • Gram positive irregular bacilli (aerobic)

Clinical Significance

These organisms are ubiquitous in the environment (soil/water).

Gordonia spp have been associated with septicemia/bacteremia, endocarditis, sternal wound osteomyelitis, brain abscesses, medical device related (especially central lines and CAPD related), pulmonary (empyema), bone/joint and skin/soft tissue infections (including breast abscesses).

Although infections are more common in immunocompromised patients, they can also affect immunocompetent individuals.

G. polysoprenivorans has been associated mostly with medical device related infections likely due to its inherent ability to form biofilms and degrade rubber.


Usual Susceptibility Pattern

These organisms are typically susceptible to ampicillin, imipenem, vancomycin, and linezolid.

They have variable susceptibility to tetracyclines and macrolides.

They are resistant to daptomycin and often to TMP/SMX.


Empiric Therapy
Clinically significant infection: